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Our Achievements

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Mobilization and registration of 10 conservancies thus bringing 170,000 acres under conservation.


Mapping of the conservancies with KWCA.


Employment of community wildlife ambassadors.

Community Support

Supported six schools in the conservancy with lunch for children during the 2022 drought period.

Lighting Installation

Installation of predator proof solar lights in 48 homesteads to protect livestock.

Bee Keeping

Beekeeping project at Nairrabala Primary school.

Wildlife Clubs

Started Wildlife Clubs at schools in Kikesen River Conservancy.

Tree Planting

Tree planting project in the schools within conservancies.

Ramat Wildlife Society

Registered in Kenya in the year 2022 as a representative body for conservancies in Central Kajiado.

Rebuilding Healthy Ecosystems for people and wildlife.

Our Partners

the distinguished organisations we have worked with.
10 +


3200 +

SQ KM Covered

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